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My purpose is to support you holistically through pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

I am here for you, in a supportive role to hold you through your questions, your expansion and your journey.​​​

These offerings have been designed to provide you with unbias, evidence based information. They have been designed to help you explore your options. They have been designed to empower you with additional resources to feel confident in your choices through pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

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These sessions can be held at the clinic in Spring Farm, virtually or in your own home

Pre Conception intentions


Pre conception is where intentions need to be set. Often, important information women need to be prepared, well informed and armed with choice is known too late or not at all.

This 90 minute tailored session has been designed to provide you with the knowledge that really impacts your pregnancy, birthing and motherhood journey. 

What's included?

- Debrief of journey thus far (prior birth for second etc time Mums or conception journey for first time Mums)

- Discuss your intentions for pregnancy, birth and postpartum 

- What the evidence says about each care provider option 

- Connecting intentions to care provider to provide physical, spiritual and emotionally appropriate care or your unique story 

- How to maximise your care to feel supported regardless of your care provider

Pregnancy and birth care provider options


Choice of care providers can have a ripple effect throughout your pregnancy and birth The options and choices women have in relation to who will provide their pregnancy, birth and postnatal care are often not fully understood. Through the haze of morning sickness, this incredibly important topic can often be overlooked.

The ‘Care Provider Options’ session covers all options for women seeking pregnancy, birth and postnatal care in a variety of settings. The cost, quantity / length of visits and birthing statistics based on each care provider is vital to understand. Feel confident in your choice of care provider.

birth planning


Women who reach a satisfying birth are not ‘lucky’, rather they are prepared, educated and motivated to take control of their decisions and birth on their grounds.

The ‘birth planning’ session has been designed to meet you where you are at in your birth preparation. Aligning your personal values to your birth is a fundamental step in planning and preparing for your birthing day.

Throughout this 90 minute tailored session, we will explore your wishes for birth, expand on the further education, resources and steps that are needed and work together through your birth map to guide you on your birthing journey.



An open ended conversation to explore everything and anything YOU are wanting gain more knowledge on. This  session is for all the random questions (or specific questions) you have about your unique pregnancy and birth.

If you seeking further information/ guidance or evidence in a particular area of your pregnancy or birth, the 'ask a midwife' will validate and guide you to feel confident to research and further question your topic of interest.

topics may include: 

- Early pregnancy anxiety / uncertainty / where to from here and what happens?

- Induction of labour questions 

- Interventions / your unique pregnancy

- General any and all!



One of my personal favourites. This session is designed and tailored for women seeking education on VBACs
(vaginal birth after caesarian).
Statistics, tips, tricks, and everything in between. Together we debrief and workshop powerful ways to work towards your VBAC.

exploring OPTIONS for pregnancy tests and scans


Dating scan, growth scan, nuchal translucency scan, gender scans, blood tests, NIPT, testing for gestational diabetes… The tests and scans offered in pregnancy can be overwhelming.

The 1 hour ‘Understanding pregnancy tests and scans’ session is designed to guide you though what can be offered in pregnancy. Throughout this session, we will cover what your options are, what the alternatives are and what the evidence says about all that is on offer.

birth debrief


How a woman is made to feel through birth stays with her into Motherhood. A staggering 1/3 or more of women express feeling traumatised after the birth of their baby. No matter how a woman births, her story and her feelings are her own. If you have felt powerless, angry, hurt, shamed, coerced, or disempowered throughout your pregnancy or birth, don’t suffer in silence.

Birth is so much more than a healthy baby. The ‘Birth Debriefing’ session runs deep into YOUR story of birth. Heard, seen and held. Listening with empathy, we will navigate the highs and lows with follow up resources to guide you in your healing process and physical, spiritual and emotional growth.

postnatal home support


Only 8% of Australian women have access to continuity of midwifery care. The average length of a postnatal hospital stay for a vaginal birth is <3 days, or 5 for caesarean (2019 Mothers and babies report). These times often coincide with baby blues/ breastfeeding challenges/ breast milk coming in and important newborn behaviour cues for hunger and/or sleep.

The ‘Postnatal home support’ session is designed around your physical and emotional needs and questions. As you settle into your new nest, I am here to provide holistic support and guidance as you navigate becoming a new Mumma.

postnatal home support package - On Maternity leave myself from december till early 2024

3 x visits 

Pre plan or gift a midwifery support package.
'Hands off birth, hands on postpartum' - The Holistic Midwife

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