a little bit about me
It is so lovely to see you've landed here. . My name is Jess and my story evolves from becoming a Mother myself.
Being a Registered Nurse and Midwife, I knew the way in which I wanted to birth and be supported through birth. In my evolution after becoming a Mother, it has led me to more holistic care that women deserve, now primarily teaching the Calmbirth program and supporting women through support, education and acuneedling.
I am deeply passionate about transforming couples experiences of birth BEFORE their birthing day, and holding them well into motherhood.
Let me tell you a little bit about how I landed here today.
My belief in our body's ability to birth runs deep through my veins. My experience as a Midwife and a birthing Mother intertwines my knowledge, education, evidence and experience. My passion to reconnect to our power as women drives me to support you through these pivotal moments of life.