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a little bit about me

It is so lovely to see you've landed here. . My name is Jess and my story evolves from becoming a Mother myself.

Being a Registered Nurse and Midwife, I knew the way in which I wanted to birth and be supported through birth. In my evolution after becoming a Mother, it has led me to more holistic care that women deserve, now primarily teaching the Calmbirth program and supporting women through support, education and acuneedling.

I am deeply passionate about transforming couples experiences of birth BEFORE their birthing day, and holding them well into motherhood.

Let me tell you a little bit about how I landed here today.

My belief in our body's ability to birth runs deep through my veins. My experience as a Midwife and a birthing Mother intertwines my knowledge, education, evidence and experience.  My passion to reconnect to our power as women drives me to support you through these pivotal moments of life. 

A woman’s experiences of birth, how she felt and how she was supported affects many areas of a woman's life.

After working as a midwife in a busy tertiary Birth Unit, I found myself struggling to encourage and empower women who feared labour and birth, to trust in their body’s ability to birth their baby. No matter how much I knew the strength of women and their ability to birth unhindered, I started to realise that this trust ultimately needed to come from within.

A few years later, I too was walking the road to birth and motherhood with my first born. This pregnancy led me to further my own knowledge on birth through looking at current research of birthing outcomes. I wanted to achieve my own empowering birth. I wanted to feel supported and confident in birth and in motherhood. My research led me to hire a private midwife for a homebirth, attend the Calmbirth program and continue my understanding of supporting an unhindered, physiological birth. 

I had seen women birth using the Calmbirth techniques as a midwife and knew there was a immense difference in the way they AND their partners viewed, trusted and worked with birth.


Information, education and confidence in a couples choice on birth matters.

After the incredible birth of our first born, I vowed to myself that I would further my knowledge and study to support women as a midwife in the way women seek, need and deserve.  This lead to me to become a Calmbirth Educator.

The trust from women in regards to their body, labour and birth needed to happen in pregnancy. The fear of labour and birth needed to be met in pregnancy. The  empowerment of labour and birth - needed to happen in pregnancy.

I have been working with couples, teaching the Calmbirth program since 2018 and have seen women and couples thrive in birth and motherhood. 

Every single woman deserves to feel supported, to feel loved and to feel knowledgeable on birth. 

My passage into motherhood again led me reconnect with our normal biological patterns and behaviors. As a Mother, I felt called to listen intuitively to my baby's needs.

Since the birth of our first and the incredible journey/ rollercoaster of motherhood, I have birthed my beautiful daughter. Birthing again deepened my complete trust and amazement of the workings of our bodies in birth when left unhindered and solidified the trust I had in myself as a Mother.

Returning to be 'with woman' after my daughter, I so fortunately worked with an incredible group of midwives in Midwifery Group Practice. This experience expanded me and met me in the depths of who I wanted to be as a midwife.

The growth and evolution through was calling for more from me. Stepping into Held by Jess, I truly feel I can support women holistically through their journey unbound by culture or system.

Going on to birth another beautiful little boy, my knowledge and heart continues to expand on the unique ways in which women experience birth. 

Acuneedling, One to one support and Calmbirth is my jam, and I love it. I truely embody 'Held by Jess' for women.

To be a midwife that truely makes women feel held.

Now here I am, writing the next chapter of my journey. Offering women a midwife women so desperately deserve in our current birthing culture.

One to one consultations 


Postpartum Support 


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